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Key Thought:

Contagious! - we're compelled to share what we love with those we love

What are your favorite restaurants?

Your answer here.


Your answer here.

Do you feel energized when you get to share these things with other people?

Your answer here.

Love Others - This is too good to keep to ourselves

What might your life look like if you shared what you love most about the church and your new life with those you love?

Your answer here.

God's Command - Love God, love people

In a world where love is often short in supply, what would life look like if everyone followed the command to love one another? What does it look like to love God?

Your answer here.

Celebration! Every time a lost one is found, there's a celebration in Heaven!

Jesus celebrated with people who found their way home, and that's what we're going to do now!

Scripture of the Week

The best news ever - “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19

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