First Impressions
First Impressions
New guests decide if they’re willing to return to a church within the first seven minutes of their initial visit. It’s up to us to make those seven minutes magical.

Our Team Values
Our Team Values
Church Unlimited's First Impressions ministry has an important job: To make newcomers feel welcome, to make the regulars feel at home and to create a friendly atmosphere where anyone can walk in and immediately sense God's love at work. The following values contribute to these goals and are followed by everyone on our weekend volunteer teams.

Building Relationships
  • Interact with guests in a personable way (i.e. eye contact, remember names, talk to the children, get eye level, etc.)
  • Stay focused on the guest you’re talking to, not on the next conversation.
  • Lead guests to their destination rather than just pointing.

Create Excellent Environments
  • Our environment is comfortable, clean, clear.
  • Appearance: Sunday best is expected; we give our best because He gave His best. Please be clean and neat in appearance. No shorts allowed unless serving in Parking Ministry. Go the extra mile to make a GREAT first impression.
  • Make sure environment looks and smells clean.
  • Make sure everything is set up and laid out with a purpose.
  • No taping up paper signage or using found objects to create signage.
  • Everything should be set up and in place at least an hour before service time.
  • All volunteer should be in huddle 45 minutes before service time.

Exceptional Service
  • Our volunteers are committed, contagious concierges.
  • We are an every weekend ministry.
  • All volunteers should be approachable (i.e. eye contact, smiling, welcoming, etc.).
  • All volunteers should initiate the “hello” and “goodbye” with guests.
Our Moving Parts
Our Moving Parts
Our First Impressions team consists of multiple moving parts coming together for a singular purpose. What role have you been called to fill?

Greeting and Next Step Center
The Greeting and Next Step Team serves by being a consistent source of support and information for attenders on their way in and out of weekend services.

Worship Hosts
Worship Hosts serve attenders in the Worship Center by guiding the flow of traffic and maintaining a safe, comfortable environment for attenders before, during and after service.

The parking lot is the first place attenders will encounter as they come to attend church. The Parking Team works to guide attenders in and out of Church Unlimited's parking lot and maintain a safe flow of traffic on foot and in vehicles.

The Hospitality Team is mindful of the needs of our weekend attenders by working to keep refreshments and resources well-stocked and easy to access.
Sign Up to Serve
Are you ready to make a lasting impression? Are you prepared to wow people in ways they never expected? If lighting the way for those who come to Church Unlimited gets you excited, then you’re in the right place.

Select a location from the list below and click on the button that appears.
  • Broadcast
  • Stone Oak
  • Rodd Field
  • Rockport-Fulton
  • Padre Island
  • Portland