Your Stories
See how Jesus is moving through Church Unlimited.
Your Stories
See how Jesus is moving through Church Unlimited.
Church Unlimited has taught me two important things: What it means to be in a relationship with Christ and what it means to be in a community of Christ followers. I have met some of my closest friends here, and they all encourage and keep me accountable daily to keep in touch with God.

— Brittany, CU College
Church Unlimited has allowed us to be who we are and not feel judged for our shortcomings. Our son was saved at Student Camp and he is so excited about serving alongside us. Serving together has taught us and our kids how to walk in the way of the Lord. It has given us a family we didn't have before.

— Kirsten and Leo, Broadcast

Don’t Stay Silent!
Sharing your story is a simple and powerful way to tell people about Jesus. By talking about what Jesus has done for you, it’s like joining a conversation God is already having with them.