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The Perspective of Your Purpose
Persevere - Week 1
Why Am I Not Happy?
Overcoming Life's Struggles
Overcoming Anxiety
Why Am I Not Happy? - Week 1
Fix My Family
God Can Heal Your Hurt
Fix My Family - Week 3
Fix My Marriage
Fix My Family - Week 1
I Need to Change
You Can Make a Difference
Change Fast!
I Need to Change - Week 3
How to Have a New Day
I Need to Change
Be Worth Following
Leadership Execution
What to Do When Opportunity Comes
Be Worth Following - Week 1
Press into Your Purpose
No One Understands
The Lies We Believe
The Lies We Believe - Week 3
Three Lies That Cause Us to Dysfunction
The Lies We Believe
Rated R for Relationship
The Five Apology Languages
Solving Disagreements WITHOUT Arguing
Get Naked Often
My Big Fat Mouth
Positive Confession
Watch Your Mouth
My Big Fat Mouth