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Review this week's message.

Start talking. Find a conversation starter for your group.
  • If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
  • You're offered an all expense paid vacation. Where are you going?

Start thinking. Ask a thoughtful question.
  • What does it look like to still believe in the goodness of God even when you feel anxious, worried, and fearful?
  • According to Hebrews 13:8, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. How does hearing this truth make you feel? Share a time of anxiety in your past when Jesus took care of you.

Start sharing. Choose questions that create openness.
  • "Scripture is the script-cure”.  Whatever mental health struggle you are having, God speaks to it directly through His Word. Take a few minutes to find a verse that speaks to your struggle. Go around the room and share them with your Lifegroup!
  • Sometimes, we feel anxious because we do not trust in God's timing. What (if anything) is causing anxiety in your life that can be fixed through truly trusting God's timing?

Start praying. Be bold, and pray with power.

Jesus, please calm my heart today and give me peace that surpasses all understanding. I love you. Amen.

Start doing. Commit to a step and live it out this week.
  • Bring someone to church with you next week.
  • With your Lifegroup, decide what you can bring to “Stuff The Truck” next weekend benefiting our Westside Mission!


Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!  Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:4-6 NAS

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.  2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.  2 Timothy 1:7 NIV

We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity.  You stare and stare at the obvious, but you can’t see the forest for the trees.  2 Corinthians 10:5-7 MSG

 When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer. Psalm 94:19 NLT

Give all your worries to him, because he cares about you.  1 Peter 5:7 NCV

Pay attention to me and answer me!  I am so upset and distressed, I am beside myself.. Psalm 55:2 NET

"Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything; tell God your needs." Philippians 4:6 (LB)

Since he did not spare even his own Son for us but gave him up for us all, won’t he also surely give us everything else?  Romans 8:32 TLB

And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 NRSV

For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go.  Psalm 91:11 NLT

 For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home.  I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’  ... I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of were doing it to me!’  Matthew 25:35-36,40 NLT

Refuse to worry about tomorrow, but deal with each challenge that comes your way, one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself.  Matthew 6:34 TPT

Give us each day our daily bread.  Luke 11:3 NAS. 

 By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life.  2 Peter 1:3 NLT

Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living.  Psalm 27:13 NL

I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.  Psalm 16:8 NLT

God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.  Psalm 46:1 NLT

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